The perfect man has a pivotal role in the creation and the permanence of the world of existence and its perfection from the beginning to the end of existence. He enjoys absolute authority and is the mediator of grace in the arc of descent and ascent. In this way, the people of knowledge have called the Mohammadan truth as "Umm al-Asma" and "Umm al-A'yan". A comprehensive knowledge of perfect man, from the Seal of the Prophets (the manifestation of the end of general guardianship by principle) to the seal of the guardianship (the manifestation of the end of general guardianship of obedience) is important to the extend of man’s understanding in attaining the position of divine caliphate. It is an unavoidable necessity for carrying the burden of God's trust and reaching the position of divine guardianship. Allameh Hassanzadeh Amuli investigated perfect man in the form of a sound combination of transmission, reason and discovery on the one hand, and the Qur'an, proof and mysticism on the other hand. He believes that: 1. Everything that flows from the sea of the unseen world to the shore of existence is found in the heart of a perfect man, and he knows about it; in fact, his heart is the locus of the Almighty's Will and the channel of God's grace. 2. In mysticism, a true and real man is a person who has reached actuality, and although this kind of talent is embedded in all people, and the way to reach the Divine Authority is open to everyone, in reality, not everyone can achieve it. Therefore: 1. In mysticism, man is the one who has reached perfection in actualization. 2. The perfect man is the caliph of Allah; in the system of existence, there are two caliphs: "absolute caliph" and "bound caliph". "Absolute caliph" is the perfect man, because he is created with all the names and attributes of God. "Bound caliph" is a person who has some of the divine names and manifests the supreme God in some specific and limited states. 3. The world of matter has the possibility of talent, and the materialistic being has the ability to gradually evolve from the lower order to the perfect order (that is, from imperfection to perfection and from pure power to absolute perfection). 4. In the course of his evolution, man has the ability to reach the level of "acquired intellect". Thus, perfect man has the "level of the heart", which from the point of view theosophy, is the same level as the "acquired intellect".