In Islamic mysticism, the question of various aspects of miracles has always been a source of interest to researchers. What attracts the attention of the researchers who investigate theoretical knowledge is explaining the way a mystic performs miracles. They present tenable analysis of the issue by resting on their own mystical principles, which include: the way of ordering the worlds of creation (the world of intellect, the world of forms, and the world of matter), the soul and its stages, and mystical journey. The central element in explaining this phenomenon is the mystical journey that gives the mystic’s soul a kind of strength with which he can control and influence the matter. Mystics call this stage "spiritual resolve". The process of concentrating attention and will through the strength of the great spirituality of soul is referred to as “spiritual resolve". When man moves in his mystical journey, from the stage of soul and reaches the stage of heart he will become part of the world of intellect and the world of forms as a result of his spirituality and this connection makes him join the forces of these worlds, gain his power or get at the truth. So in this way, he can control and influence the world or be informed about the Unseen.